Frequently Asked Questions

What to expect at your first session

At your initial session we have a conversation about what is happening in your body and what may have brought you to seek out a spinal flow treatment.

I assess your posture to see where you're holding tension and feel the gateways of your spine for blockages that could be affecting your body's communication pathways and energy flow. 

Following this we move straight in to a Spinal Flow treatment which takes approximately 35 minutes.

What a session may feel like for you

During the session you will be laying comfortably face down on a massage table (fully clothed). I will support you in getting into a relaxed state and from there I make gentle yet precise contacts on your body and within your energetic field to help influence the flow of information through your entire nervous system (brain, spinal cord and nerves).

Throughout the session you may experience:

  • Body movements such as twitches, flinching and vibration

  • An emotional release, including crying

  • Energy / sensations or heat moving through the body

  • Intuitive insights or a deeper connection to yourself

  • Visualizations including memories and colour

Note: Everyone's experiences is different; please don't worry if you experience all or none of the above. Expectations around the session and what you should ‘feel’ can be a hinderance to your healing and each session may be different for you.

How often should I have a session?

Thankfully, this is not a one size fits all answer because we are all different. Our body integrates changes differently and we heal at different rates. Like all things, consistency is key. Remember it has taken many years for your nervous system to accumulate these stressors and blockages so it stands to reason that the unpicking of it all will take time and commitment. Many of my clients see me weekly for the first six or so visits, then they trust their intuition to make a decision about the frequency after that. You are always free to change your mind - its about listening to our body and supporting it accordingly.